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Friday, October 3, 2008

Internet Essay

“Give a person a fish and you feed tem for a day, teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks." The Internet is an amazing invention. It opens the eyes to all people in new ways. The Internet makes it possible to look up information, send letters, and much more. In the invention of the Internet, there are three major players and one major conference. Vannevar Bush wrote the first idea of the potential uses for information technology with his description of the "memex" automated library system. Norbert Wiener mainly invented cybernetics, which soon caused future researchers to have technology extend human capabilities. Marshall McLuhan founded the “global village” interconnected by an electronic nervous system part of our popular culture. Different people use the Internet in different ways mainly depending on the age of the Internet user. Finally, at the 1956 Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence conference people finally talked about how technology was improving faster and faster and could have drastic effects in the future to come. The Internet is used many different ways and for many different reasons, the distinction between these reasons is mainly from age.

The Internet is used by people around the world. The Internet is used a large amount by younger adults or children between the age of around 10 and up. Younger people use the Internet for many things. The Internet is great for school, when you have to find the definitions of words you can just go to Dictionary.com and you will receive the definition of the word instantly. The Internet also helps with the gathering of information for an assignment. Instead of going to the library and getting a book and then having to bring it back, the Internet allows you to look at the information at anytime and never have to bring it back. One of largest reasons why young people use the Internet is to communicate with their friends. This can be achieved through E-mail, IM (Instant Messaging) or sites like Myspace and Facebook. People will sit on the computer for hours talking to their friends. The Internet is also used to play games or watch movies. On the Internet there are thousands of sites were games can be played, such as Miniclip.com. Videos can also be watched on the Internet through sites such as youtube.com, where Internet users can watches videos of almost anything for free. Young people are the main users of the Internet, while older people also use the Internet for different reasons.

The Internet is used by everyone, even adults and up. Older people use the Internet with contrasting differences to younger people. From experience many older people do not know how to use the Internet, let alone a computer. When the Internet is known how to be used older people use it mainly to find quick facts, but are still accustomed to looking in books first and totally forget about the Internet. The Internet is also used to talk to friends, just like it is used by younger people. Not very many older people use sites like Myspace or Facebook. But some do have them. Mainly E-mail is used for work or just to talk to one another. Older generations are not accustomed to the Internet like younger generations, since the younger generations have grown up with the Internet and the older generations had grown up with books.

The Internet is a gate way to knowledge if known how to be used. It is used by both young and old. The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of mankind because it has helped humans progress and prosper.

1 comment:

Jake said...

awesome blog and essay