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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I believe that Obama's speach will be very moving and excemplify many areas where change is needed. The speach will be influenced by the words of both Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Obama has been compared to Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy. And all of these past presidents accomplished great challenges to help this country be what it is today.

Obama can be compared to Abraham Lincoln, F.D.R. and John F. Kennedy because of the great things they did and the great things Obama will do. Obama is compared to Abramham Lincoln because their presidency's are both based on change. Abraham Lincoln brought change for all of the United Sates during his presidency and Obama hopes to do the same. F.D.R. and Obama can be alike because they will both be presidents during tough economic times. F.D.R. was president during the "Great Deppression" and had to go through many hardships durng his presidency so that the people of the United States would be alright. Obama will be coming into his presideny with the economy already being bad. Hopefully, Obama will bring the economy back up and stop inflation and bring more money to the American people.

Clark S. Judge a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, believes that Obama's inaugural address will "excel on both the sacramental and instrumental levels." I agree with many of the ideas that Clark S. Judge has about Obama's speach. Barack Obama's Inaugural Address will be very powerful and move the people of teh United States.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Reducing Time and Space

Presently, many families have family memebers that live far away and are striving to stay in touch with each other. One way that families can stay connected with each other is through the internet. The ineternet gives numerouse ways to keep in touch. For example, E-Mail and IM(instant message) help families stay connected. Another way to stay connected is through web cams, as seen in the picture. This family uses web cams to see each other. The father lives in New Orleans and his wife and children live in Chicago. "Such scenes are hardly unusual for two-career couples with children." Web cams help them stay connected with each other. Some beleive that because of the bad economy, web cams are begining to rise up and take the place of traveling to see one another. Personally I think the web cams are a good idea, but I dont think that they will result in a major change with traveling. This is becasue, yes you can see your loved ones over a web cam but, it is not the same as seeing them in person.