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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I believe that Obama's speach will be very moving and excemplify many areas where change is needed. The speach will be influenced by the words of both Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Obama has been compared to Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy. And all of these past presidents accomplished great challenges to help this country be what it is today.

Obama can be compared to Abraham Lincoln, F.D.R. and John F. Kennedy because of the great things they did and the great things Obama will do. Obama is compared to Abramham Lincoln because their presidency's are both based on change. Abraham Lincoln brought change for all of the United Sates during his presidency and Obama hopes to do the same. F.D.R. and Obama can be alike because they will both be presidents during tough economic times. F.D.R. was president during the "Great Deppression" and had to go through many hardships durng his presidency so that the people of the United States would be alright. Obama will be coming into his presideny with the economy already being bad. Hopefully, Obama will bring the economy back up and stop inflation and bring more money to the American people.

Clark S. Judge a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, believes that Obama's inaugural address will "excel on both the sacramental and instrumental levels." I agree with many of the ideas that Clark S. Judge has about Obama's speach. Barack Obama's Inaugural Address will be very powerful and move the people of teh United States.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Reducing Time and Space

Presently, many families have family memebers that live far away and are striving to stay in touch with each other. One way that families can stay connected with each other is through the internet. The ineternet gives numerouse ways to keep in touch. For example, E-Mail and IM(instant message) help families stay connected. Another way to stay connected is through web cams, as seen in the picture. This family uses web cams to see each other. The father lives in New Orleans and his wife and children live in Chicago. "Such scenes are hardly unusual for two-career couples with children." Web cams help them stay connected with each other. Some beleive that because of the bad economy, web cams are begining to rise up and take the place of traveling to see one another. Personally I think the web cams are a good idea, but I dont think that they will result in a major change with traveling. This is becasue, yes you can see your loved ones over a web cam but, it is not the same as seeing them in person.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teenager’s Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing

“New media allow for a degree of freedom and autonomy for youth that is less apparent in a classroom setting.” According to the MacArthur Foundation the hours teens spend on the computer is surprisingly not bad for the teenager. All teenagers use computers for many different things. In this day in age mostly everything revolves around computers. To gain information quickly and easily you can go on the computer. Also, many schools are using programs that put the homework for the student on the computer so they don’t have to write it down in class, these systems such as Edline.com, can give the students information about upcoming events in their school. Teenagers also use computers to interact with other people. Teenagers use Instant Message, Facebook, Myspace, and many others to interact with their friends or with new people. Many other things can danger teenagers on the computer.

What concerns parents the most is not how long their child is on the computer, it is mainly who is talking to them and if that person is safe. “Those concerns about predators and stranger danger have been overblown.” What some don’t understand is that children are not going to be talking to people they do not know, they mainly talk to friends that they have met from school, camp, etc. A miniscule amount of time is spent talking to strangers, and sometimes there is none. “There’s been some confusion about what kids are actually doing online. Mostly, they’re socializing with their friends, people they’ve met at school or camp or sports.” Soon a project was set up on digital and media learning. This project used several researchers to interview more than 800 young people and their parents and to observe teenagers online. Teenagers also use the computers for other reasons as well.

“Teens usually have a full-time intimate community with whom they communicate in an always-on mode via mobile phones and instant messaging.” When teens are in a relationship with someone else they always talk to each other, as do most couples. In a familiar situation two 17-year olds have been dating for more than a year and they will always talk. In the morning they would text each other “Good Morning” or at night text each other “Good Night”. The new media has changed many things for the teenager, some are thought of good and some thought of as bad. To teenagers it is helpful and makes life easier for them. It also allows them to talk to friends faster and tell their friends something immediately.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Internet Essay

“Give a person a fish and you feed tem for a day, teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks." The Internet is an amazing invention. It opens the eyes to all people in new ways. The Internet makes it possible to look up information, send letters, and much more. In the invention of the Internet, there are three major players and one major conference. Vannevar Bush wrote the first idea of the potential uses for information technology with his description of the "memex" automated library system. Norbert Wiener mainly invented cybernetics, which soon caused future researchers to have technology extend human capabilities. Marshall McLuhan founded the “global village” interconnected by an electronic nervous system part of our popular culture. Different people use the Internet in different ways mainly depending on the age of the Internet user. Finally, at the 1956 Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence conference people finally talked about how technology was improving faster and faster and could have drastic effects in the future to come. The Internet is used many different ways and for many different reasons, the distinction between these reasons is mainly from age.

The Internet is used by people around the world. The Internet is used a large amount by younger adults or children between the age of around 10 and up. Younger people use the Internet for many things. The Internet is great for school, when you have to find the definitions of words you can just go to Dictionary.com and you will receive the definition of the word instantly. The Internet also helps with the gathering of information for an assignment. Instead of going to the library and getting a book and then having to bring it back, the Internet allows you to look at the information at anytime and never have to bring it back. One of largest reasons why young people use the Internet is to communicate with their friends. This can be achieved through E-mail, IM (Instant Messaging) or sites like Myspace and Facebook. People will sit on the computer for hours talking to their friends. The Internet is also used to play games or watch movies. On the Internet there are thousands of sites were games can be played, such as Miniclip.com. Videos can also be watched on the Internet through sites such as youtube.com, where Internet users can watches videos of almost anything for free. Young people are the main users of the Internet, while older people also use the Internet for different reasons.

The Internet is used by everyone, even adults and up. Older people use the Internet with contrasting differences to younger people. From experience many older people do not know how to use the Internet, let alone a computer. When the Internet is known how to be used older people use it mainly to find quick facts, but are still accustomed to looking in books first and totally forget about the Internet. The Internet is also used to talk to friends, just like it is used by younger people. Not very many older people use sites like Myspace or Facebook. But some do have them. Mainly E-mail is used for work or just to talk to one another. Older generations are not accustomed to the Internet like younger generations, since the younger generations have grown up with the Internet and the older generations had grown up with books.

The Internet is a gate way to knowledge if known how to be used. It is used by both young and old. The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of mankind because it has helped humans progress and prosper.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Safe Blogging

It is very important to be safe when blogging. Safe Blogging is when you do not give out personal information about yourself. People should only use first names. This is because if you use your full name people may be able to find you with Facebook or Myspace. You must only talk about subjects that are relevant to the blog. You must also be responsible fro everything that is written on the blog. Do not bring up or talk about any subjects that may offend certain people. It is also important that when writing certain things you do not plagiarize. If you must use the words of someone else you must use quotations (“”). Thousands of people around the world use blogs and they must be safe in order for the blogs to prosper and grow.